Himara, Albania – July 2018

            A local described the color of the bus as “sour milk.” What the hell does that even mean? I asked myself.             I waited with a couple of fellow Americans I’d met earlier that day during breakfast in Durres, Albania, a beautiful city bordering the Adriatic Sea. I’d spent three days there and wasContinue reading “Himara, Albania – July 2018”

Uruguay – August 2015 (ish)

Montevideo street art, a failed attempt at driving manual, biking Punta Del Este, and an unfinished Trump building.             The ferry from Buenos Aires to Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, takes a little over an hour. I was traveling with three girls I’d met through my study abroad program many years ago. They were fromContinue reading “Uruguay – August 2015 (ish)”

Hamburg, Germany – July 2018

My attempt to describe Hamburg will surely fall short, a spectacular place I visited for a mere forty-eight hours last summer. The experience was so fleeting that any attempt to sufficiently assess the large, profound German metropolis will undoubtedly misfire. In spite of that, the fleeting experience was a vivid one, a unique, alluring cityContinue reading “Hamburg, Germany – July 2018”